Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tokyo Tower

Kaoru and I went to Tokyo Tower. It's the Japanese version of the Eiffel Tower. They use it as a television signal broadcast tower, and a tourist trap. I normally try to avoid the touristy-type things, but I figured I would get some nice shots of the city from the tallest structure in Tokyo, and I was right.

Some interesting facts about the Tokyo Tower...

Height: 333 meters. Eiffel tower is a mere 320 meters. (suck it, Paris!!)

Weight: a slim, trim 4,000 tons. Eiffel is 7,000 tons. (Paris, see above.)

Birthday: Tokyo tower opened in 1958. The same year that instant ramen noodle soup was introduced to the world. (I don't think Paris minds this fact so much.)

On a clear day you can see Mt. Fuji to the south. This wasn't a very clear day unfortunately.

I picked up a souvenir at the gift shop. Like it or not I am a tourist after all.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Ramen Noodles Fuckin' Rule, Baby! Yeah!

    Oh, and, um, your pictures were pretty awesome too, I guess.
